
Kendrick Hardaway

Visiting Researcher

Purdue University

Systemic risks in climate adaptation

Kendrick’s research identifies systemic risks that appear during the process of climate mitigation and adaptation, and he aims to provide strategic pathways forward that mitigate those risks.

The urgency of climate change and the current ad hoc climate adaptation being undertaken by communities presents risks in the from of inappropriate technology adoption, inequitable outcomes, and maladaptive or myopic infrastructure planning. Even within academic spaces, the complex interconnections that exist between social, ecological, and technical systems can lead to missed feedback loops and unintended consequences arising from planning.

The dual challenge of urgency and uncertainty must be dealt with by engaging with forward-thinking and systems-based analyses. To develop and implement long-term solutions to climate-induced issues, Kendrick uses system dynamics, simulation, risk analysis, and environmental impact assessments that specifically look at the interconnections between social, ecological, and technical systems.

Some of his past and current projects include:

  • The transportation-land use interaction’s environmental impact
  • Reviewing blind spots in industry sustainability assessments
  • Multi-criteria spatial optimization for a sustainable managed retreat
  • Comparative risk analyses of complex systems
  • Illustrating and defining risk
  • Critically examining the financing of climate adaptation plans
  • Developing a framework for rural climate resilience planning


  1. Expected 2025

    PhD - Environmental and Ecological Engineering

    Purdue University
  2. Expected 2025

    MSc - Industrial Engineering

    Purdue University
  3. 2018

    BS - Biological Engineering

    University of Arkansas

Research Partnerships

  1. 2023
    Visiting Researcher
    University of Stavanger
  2. 2023
    Visiting Researcher
    Athens University of Economics and Business
  3. 2023
    Research Consultant
    ATHENA Research and Innovation Center

Research Awards

  • 2024
    Research Fellowship
    Fulbright New Zealand
  • 2024
    Bilsland Research Fellowship
    Purdue University
  • 2019
    Andrews Doctoral Fellowship
    Purdue University